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Main | Has Your IM / IMA3303 Master Station Discolored and Turned Yellow? »

Common Problems with the NuTone IM / IMA3303

NEW  IM3303 Loaded with convenience, Simple to operate, Styled for Today!

The IM3303 was introduced in 1994 as a replacement for the IM3003.  The IM3303 featured many improvements including a more powerful 15-watt amplifier which gave the IM3303 much better fidelity and some actual bass response.

There were separate bass and treble controls along with a Loudness switch, which added 8dB of bass to the music.  The IM3303 had a true digital tuner which was displayed in a backlit LCD panel and the tuner had a 12-station radio memory feature (6AM and 6FM).

The two features which drastically improved the IM3303 over previous models were the new "stand-by" feature and the "Remote Radio Control" function.

One of the most common complaints with any NuToneIntercom System was the constant backgroundhiss that could be heard on all of the stations in a home.  This hiss was the amplifier's "white noise" and it was something that you just had to live with if you had a NuTone Intercom System.

This problem was solved with the IM3303 by designing it with a "stand-by" mode.  When the intercom functions were being used, and with the radio turned off, the IM3303 would be in "stand-by" mode, which means the amplifier was turned off.  This allowed the system to be silent on all of the stations.

The stand-by mode also meant that with the system in this third state (stand-by) there could be a new control function added to the system, while still using NuTone IW3, 3-wire cable.

The new feature was "Remote Radio Control", which allowed anyone in the home to turn the radio on throughout the house and scroll through the 12 pre-set radio stations from any of the inside or patio remote stations.  The remote radio control functions were accessed with the "End Call" pushbutton on the remote stations.  Since the remote radio control feature was designed into the master station and not the remote stations, it would work even if you have stations from the previous IM3003 model.  This was hugely popular feature, especially with more and more 2-story homes being built.

The IM3303 used the same design platform as the IM3003, which meant it was backwards compatible with all of the wiring and remote station from the IM3003 system.  This allowed customers to have just their IM3003 master station replaced with the IM3303 and save some money. 



While officially there are only IM and IMA 3303's, there are four different versions of this model.  If all four versions were placed side-by-side you would not be able to tell them apart, but they are all very different from each other electronically.

The original IM3303 was manufactured from 1994 through about 1996.  These first versions are easy to identify by the interconnect cables on the back of the master station.  These early versions use interconnect cables which are made up with individual small white wires, which are terminated into their plug connectors.  While I don't have a picture of this version, they are easy to identify by the messy look of the cables on the back of the master station.

The first revision was in 1996 which remained in production until 2001.  This second version still carried the IM label and most of the changes were to streamline the manufacturing of the IM3303 along with the newly introduced IM4406.

The IMA3303 was introduced in late 2001 and it was basically an electronic update to the design which was brought about when NuTone changed the vendor who was manufacturing their intercom equipment.  

At this point, all of the manufacturing had been done in Japan by two different vendors, but this was about to change.  Around 2004, NuTone decided to move the manufacturing to China.  While these final units have the same IMA label they are different from the previous IMA versions.

What all of this means is that basically there are four unique versions of the 3303, and for the most part none of the boards are interchangeable.  

Since exact documentation on production dates and design and boards changes were not kept by NuTone, it's very difficult to understand which boards are interchangeable with each other.  It is best to have your 3303 master station repaired and keep its original boards whenever possible.




Problem #1.  Self-Activating "Remote Radio Control":

Like any new NuTone intercom model there were some initial problems, however they weren't anything to serious with the IM3303.

The most common service call on the original IM3303 had to do with the remote radio control feature.

When this feature is activated, the LCD panel on the master station will display the letters "IU" which stands for "In-Use".  When the system is In-Use, all of the other functions are blocked until the In-Use is complete.  The idea was to prevent a situation where a user might think that the system had stopped working for some reason.

The problem with the remote radio control was cause mainly by Patio Stations that would have moisture buildup on the switch circuit boards.  This moisture would cause small short-circuits and the remote radio feature would self-activate and turn the radio on all by itself...usually in the middle of the night!

What the homeowner would typically see is the LCD display showing a constant "IU" and the radio would switch ON, then the tuner would scroll through the preset stations, then the radio would switch OFF and the cycle would repeat over and over.

NuTone solved this problem by have a sealant applied to the Patio station switch circuit board, which covered the solder traces and sealed the board from moisture.

Problem #1.5

There is another cause for self-activation on the IM /IMA3303.  This can be caused by a failure with the 74 Series Logic IC's that are mounted on the Control Board.

These IC's work in conjunction with the micro-controller (read about the micro-control below), and if they are faulty, they can be the source of self-activation problems.

These logic IC's are commonly available and fairly easy to replace with the proper tools. 


Problem #2.  Improper Intercom Communication:

Another problem with the original IM3303 was erratic Intercom Communications.

This problem was not caused by the typical problems with remote stations or control switch problems, it was with the intercom control relays in the IM3303 Master Station.

Mounted on the Main Circuit Board in the IM3303 there are four micro-relays that control the intercom communication functions.  On some units these relays would fail or become stuck and the intercom functions would not operated correctly.

This seems to be a problem only with the IM3303 units that were manufactured in the first 2-3 years and it was not a problem afterwards.

These relays are commonly available and are straight forward to replace.


Problem #3.  Discoloration of the IM3303 Faceplate:

Originally the IM3303 was going to be available in 3 finishes: White, Black and Light Maple.

In reality, only the White model was ever produced.  Due to an insufficient amount of UV inhibitor in the plastic of the IM3303 Faceplate, the faceplates will slowly turn yellow over time.  This is especially a problem with units that get  a lot of direct exposure to the sun. Apparently the yellowing is caused by Bromides being released from the plastic by the UV light. 



The original IM3303 is almost 20 years old, and even though this has been a fairly trouble free design, we are starting to see patterns of failures for common problems.

As with all NuTone Intercoms designed since 1984, the IM3303 and IMA3303 are powered up all of the time. Even if you don't use your system very often, it is still accumulating hours day after day.  A 20 year old IM3303 will have accumulated 175,200 hours since it was originally installed.

(NuTone IM3303 Power Supply)

As with any electronic device, it's completely normal for the components in the power supply to fail once it has exceeded its normal life expectancy.  Fortunately the IM3303 has a simple power supply design and rebuilding it is not a complicated task.

However, there are two other problems which we are beginning to see with both the IM3303 and IMA3303 which are not as easy to solve, and one of them is related to the failure of the power supply.

Problem #4 - Micro-Controller Problems:

All of the functions in an IM / IMA3303 are controlled by a Micro-Controller, which is something like the micro-processor that runs your computer or cell phone, only it has much less processing power.

As an example of what the Micro-Controller does:  When you want to listen to the radio on your IMA3303 you push the FM button and the radio turns on.  How did this happen?  The Micro-Controller did it.

Inside  the Micro-Controller is a simple "program",or set of instructions. When you push the FM button you are causing the micro-controller to launch a series of instructions which include many steps, such as:

1.  Turn on the red LED indicator next to the FM button

2.  Change the LCD display from the clock time to the radio frequency display

3.  Display the last FM radio frequency that was played on the master station.

4.  Turn the radio tuner on

5.  Switch the tuner to the FM radio band

6.  Tune the FM tuner to the last FM frequency that was played

7.  Turn the systems amplifier on

All of these steps happen almost instantaneously and you would think that they all happened as one big event (like flipping a light switch on), but they are actually a series of events controlled by the instructions in the micro-controller.

This is why the IM3303 and IMA3303 have a reset button.  Sometimes after you experience a power outage or a power brown-out, your 3303 will not work correctly.  You may not have any radio, or the intercom will not work, or the door chime will not ring, why?  Because when the power came back on, the micro-controller came back on also, but it's sort of confused.

The instructions inside the micro-controller are scrambled because of the power outage.  This is where the Reset button comes in.  When you push the reset button, you clear the micro-controller and restore the instructions from the factory default settings.

This is why when you perform a reset you lose all of the programmed information in your IM / IMA3303, including the time and your favorite radio station presets.

So, how does a power supply failure affect the micro-controller?

We have seen some cases where the customer's power supply had failed (causing a fairly loud hum throughout the intercom system) and instead of haveingthe master station repaired, they simply turned all of the volume controls down so they couldn't hear the hum.

While this tactic eliminated the annoyance of the hum, it did not fix the failed power supply.  In each case, more than a year passed before the homeowner contacted us to have their IM3303 repaired.

We expected these to be a normal IM3303 power supply rebuild; however, after the rebuild was complete there were some unexpected surprises.

In one case, after the power supply rebuild was complete that IM3303 came back to life, but, when we were performing the final checkout procedure, we noticed some strange operational problems.

This IM3303 acted weirdly. When the FM button was pushed the red LED lit up for AM, the FM radio turned on, but the display didn't switch to the FM frequency for almost 5 seconds, and the frequency that was displayed wasn't the radio station that was being listened to, until that switched about 3 seconds later.  Unfortunately, using the rest button didn't help at all.

When something like this happens with a master right after a repair has been done, it's natural to think that something was over looked or the repair was done incorrectly.  The set was pulled apart and we started looking for the cause of the strange operation. Here's what we found:

The Control Circuit Board is where the micro-controller is located. It's a small device about 1" square.  We inspected the micro-controller and it looked OK, so the circuit board was removed and when we flipped it over we found a dark brown square on the back of the circuit board, directly under were the micro-controller sits.

The dark brown area indicates that the micro-controller had been very hot for a very long period of time, enough time to discolor the fiberglass circuit board material.  The excessive heat in the micro-controller was cause by excessive electrical voltage from the failed power supply.

The erratic operations were cause by the damaged micro-controller which no longer was able to follow its set of programmed instructions.

Now for the really bad part: the micro-controller is not a replaceable component.  While the actual component is available to purchase, and while it would be possible to remove the original micro-controller and solder a replacement to the board (with some very specialized equipment), it is not possible to program the new micro-controller because no one has the program, not even NuTone.

The original micro-controllers were programmed when the boards were manufactured in either Japan or China, and when the production ended, the ability to program the micro-controllers vanished.

The moral of this story is that if you have a failed IM / IMA3303, make sure that you get it fixed before the problem causes damage that is almost impossible to solve.

There was a happy ending in the final chapter in the repair of this customer's IM3303, because we were able to substitute a used control board from another IM3303 and get her system working again.



The IM / IMA3303 has a 15 watt amplifier which is 10 times the output of the IM3003.  The amplifier in the 3303 is a robust design and it is more than capable to drive the maximum number of 13 remote stations.

Even thought this amplifier is well designed, we have seen some patterns that indicate the possibility of a dramatic failure cause by either gross maladjustment of the system controls or by shorted wiring between the master station and the remote stations.

There doesn't seem to be any warning with this type of failure. As reported by homeowners, all a sudden the system simply failed.  However, there are probably warning signs which were overlooked or ignored by the homeowners.

What we see on these master stations is a drastic failure of the components in the amplifier of the unit.

A visual inspection will reveal two severely burnt resistors (R422 & R426) along with the signs of excessive heat in the area around transistors Q408 & Q406.  Typically capacitor CXX will be ruptured also.

While these obvious failures may seem bad enough, there are usually many more failed components on the board.

The typical IM3303 with this type of failure will have 10 shorted transistors, one failed voltage regulator, four burnt resistors, seven failed capacitors and one dead op-amp chip.

A serious by-product of this failure is caused by the heat that these failing components generate.  The area of the circuit around these hot components damages the copper traces, and when the failed parts are removed, the traces will lift off the boards and sometimes break.

It is often necessary to solder small jumper wires to bypass the broken traces.  In other cases the traces will have to be repaired, which is a very labor intensive process.

The good news is that all of the needed components are commonly available and none of them are very expensive.  

See All of the IM / IMA3303 Pictures Here 

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Reader Comments (99)


If you check out our YouTube Channel, we have a video that shows how to perform a reset on your IM3303


January 4, 2016 | Registered CommenterCindy & Christopher

Greetings, my in-laws have a Nutone IM-3303 that was installed when their house was built in 1994-ish. The unit has quit working completely and they don't believe it was storm related. No lights, display or sound. I checked power on the secondary side of both transformers and had 19.2VAC. Checked where the wires come into the Master unit and had the same voltage. Cycled power to the transformers initially. Also disconnected the ribbon cables to the termination board. Tried doing a master reset to no avail. Pulled the unit off of the wall and inspected components. Didn't see anything obviously burnt or smell like any let the smoke out. I didn't have time to check the power supply board and was unsure of how to verify the controller. But, I figure that with no display or signs of life other than one red LED being lit up on the breadboard, that it is probably done. What are you thoughts?

January 17, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterRob

Hi Rob,

It is not typical for systems to just fail suddenly, usually there are tell-tail signs of a problem (that are often overlooked) before the system fails.

Of course, storm related issues are different.

Since at this point there are very few (or no) clues as to what happened, the only way to tell is to get in on the bench to check it out.

Please fill out an Intercom repair Request Form, (located in the navigation heading on the left side on every page) and once i receive it, I'll contact you about the problems with your parents IM3303 and its repair


January 18, 2016 | Registered CommenterCindy & Christopher

Hi Chris:

I've an IM-3303. When you press de door bell there is NO sound. You only hear the relay click.


April 23, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterEmilio

Hi Emillio,

There could be many different things that are causing the door chime problem with your IM3303. I will need more detailed information about your system to help you.

Please fill out an Intercom Repair Request Form (you can find the link in the navigation column on every page) or call me to discuss the problem


April 23, 2016 | Registered CommenterCindy & Christopher

I just moved into a house with an IM 3303. It's working pretty well, though there are some issues with the bedrooms units working or not working intermittently. I haven't had a chance to take them out and look for any loose connects yet, but that's the plan. My main issue right now is that the sound is pretty low quality on a lot of the speakers. My first assumption is that the speakers are just old/worn out, so I'm planning to replace them. Is that the likely problem? Do you know the size/specs/model # of the speakers?

September 11, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterSteve

Hi Steve, It sounds like the main problem is that the controls in the Remote Stations need to be cleaned.

You can watch our YouTube Video that shows how to clean your Remote Stations - Here's a link to the Video:

You cannot simply replace the speaker cones in the Remote Stations ( they don't really just wear out) It is more likely that either your system is out of proper adjustment or the Master Station has some problems.

You can contact me directly and I will send you a Set Up sheet for your System



September 12, 2016 | Registered CommenterCindy & Christopher

My unit will turn off and give a code of cc. Reset turns it back on but then it goes off again with another code. What are all the codes?

September 22, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterBob wing

Hi Bob,

There aren't really any error codes built into the IM3303 and I suspect that the code you are seeing is really "IC".

It is likely that your system has a problem with a remote station or the wiring that connects a remote station tot he Master Station.

We have a Troubleshooting Video about this on our YouTube Channel - Here's a link to the Video:

If the troubleshooting does not prove that there is a problem somewhere beyond the IM3303 Master Station, you could have a problem with the IM3303


September 22, 2016 | Registered CommenterCindy & Christopher

I have a IM-3303. I have had it for 13 years. It has always worked fine. We use the CD button most of the time to play music from an internet radio. Lately after a few hours of play I can hear loud rapid clicking coming from the master station. It sounds like one of the relays may be failing. What do you suggest?

January 9, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterEric

Hi Eric,

Without more detailed information about your IM3303 and exactly what and when the problem is occurring, I can't be very helpful.

The best course of action is for you to contact me directly about this problem



January 10, 2017 | Registered CommenterCindy & Christopher

have a nutone 3303 -- i have no sound - i have reset the system and disconnected main unit from remote -- radio stations displays - seek functions work - clock works - can select am or fm on the front but i do not have any sound. what could be the problem or what other items to check

February 12, 2017 | Unregistered Commentersteve

Hi Steve. You have done a good job at determining the source of the problem is the IM3303 Master Station. You did not mention if your system has a Chime Module. If it does, is it working? If it's not working, you can unplug the Chime Module form the IM3303 and see if that clears up the problem. If eliminating the Chime Module solve the problem, you will need to have the Chime Module repaired or replaced.

If the problem persists without the Chime Module connected, you have a failure in the IM3303 and you have reached the end of the troubleshooting.

The Master Station would need to be sent in for repair.

Please fill out an Intercom Repair Request Form and once I receive it, I'll contact you to discuss the repair of your IM3303


February 13, 2017 | Registered CommenterCindy & Christopher

Hi Christopher, Thanks you for all the great information you provide everyone on the Nutone Intercom systems. The videos are very well done and very informative.
I have a Nutone IM3303 installed when I built my home in 1996. The system has always worked fine. Last week all of the remote units stopped playing radio. The master control unit works fine, the doorbell works fine.
It is as if the toggle switches were not switched on to allow the radio to play to the remote units. Any ideas?

April 18, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterBob

Hi Bob

There are many possibilities as to why your IM3303 is not working correctly. Have you tried performing a "Reset" on the IM3303 Master Station? If not, please do so (we have a YouTube Video that show how to do the reset) If that doesn't solve the problem, iIt would be best if you either fill out an Intercom Repair Request Form (which you can find the link to in the left-hand navigation column) or if you call me directly to discuss the problems with your IM3303 and its repair.


April 18, 2017 | Registered CommenterCindy & Christopher

I have the 3303 in my house. I want to install a Ring Pro video doorbell, but the standard installation instructions don't apply because the 3303 is unlike a typical doorbell. Can I use a Ring Pro on 3303?

May 12, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterJoe

Hi Joe,

No, you can not use either a standard Ring or a Ring Pro with your IM3303 System


May 12, 2017 | Registered CommenterCindy & Christopher

Model No. IM-3303 - Doorbells stopped working; AM, FM, CD/TAPE buttons are lit up on master panel - didn’t check other functions. I think the clock was working when I performed a reset per your video. Now the clock is blank and the three buttons are still lit up and the doorbells still don’t work.

November 2, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

Hi John,

There's not enough information about your system for me to offer any real advice. You will need to contact me directly so I can ask you qustions


November 3, 2017 | Registered CommenterCindy & Christopher

My nutone im-3303 was working fine til a couple of months ago when it went totally dead (LCD display off). I was about order a replacement unit when it sprang back to life on its own last week-end. Only lasted a couple of days though. It seems now to be dead again.
Thinking it might be possible to save myself the high cost of replacement, I decided to do a little bit troubleshooting after reading about common issues with this unit on the internet. First, I checked that power was getting into the unit, then I isolated the remote stations by disconnecting the master unit from the back panel.
I attempted to perform a reset but it appears that the reset button is jammed. Not sure how that happened, could have been from the previous owner of the house. I believe the system was installed back in 1995 when the house was built.

Any insight would be appreciated.


November 22, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterPierre

Hi Pierre, If the Reset Button was jammed, the IM3303 would never work, You can simulate a Reset by turning the power off to the Master Station (do this by turning the circuit breaker off)

Without more detail information, I can't really cover all of the possibilities of what could be wrong.

You can always contact me directly to discuss the problem



November 22, 2017 | Registered CommenterCindy & Christopher

One remote station of our im3303 behaves strange when pushing the talk button. It causes fm radio to be played at the main station. As soon as the button is released, the radio stops. Any ideas?

December 3, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterChris

Hello our utone IMA-3303WH Intercom Master Unit was installed during 1996, It has worked fine up until about 2 years ago, The doorbell is still working, however, the radio is not, My problem now is that there is a red light in front of every
thing, I pressed the on and off options and nothing happens, I went through the house adjusting the tone to lower sounds of door bell, I have not check how the intercom works. I wanted to remove the cover to see if there was
a battery that needed to be replaced, but this would be trial and error for me, especially if I dont know what I am looking at! There is also a light in the window screen that stayed on, Could not turn it off by the power switch! need some help and don't
know who to call! I appreciate if you can get back to me as soon as possible!

April 22, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterSarah Williams

Hi Sarah,

You can contact me when I'm back in the office on Friday, April 27th - Chris 925-743-8236

April 26, 2018 | Registered CommenterCindy & Christopher

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