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How would that look in my home?

Most of the time Broan & NuTone products are sold either in big-box stores or electrical wholesale warehouses, places that most consumers don't like to visit or can't buy from.  Our original store was kind of a mix between the two.

I had an idea for a long time that our customers would like to be able to see the products they were looking for in a setting more like their homes.  This idea grew into a new design for our display panels.

I have envisioned and designed each display area to represent a different and unique home setting.  This allows our customers to see what a product looks like in a real setting.   Gone are the pre-made display panels featuring odd colors and signage, they have been replaced with surfaces that you might have in your own home. Textured wall panels, ceramic and glass tile, marble and stone and stucco for outside items.

The store has taken on a definite Arts & Crafts look with dark wood accents and color pallets from a warm point of view.

As we continue to build out our store, we are looking for new and complementary items that round out our new look.  We are focusing on handmade useful and beautiful items from local crafts people.



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