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Replacement Parts for NuTone Intercom Systems

I receive a lot of emails from people who are looking for replacement parts for their NuTone Intercom Systems.  Most of the requests fall into two categories, replacement cosmetic parts like face plates for NuTone Master Stations and grills for Remote Speakers and replacement electronic circuit boards.

Cosmetic Parts:

The sad truth is that for the most part NuTone does not stock or manufacture any cosmetic parts after a model is discontinued.

Also, NuTone does not redesign or remanufacture any parts once a model is discontinued.  If you have a Faux Walnut IM303 you cannot buy a newly redesigned White face plate to modernize it's looks.  The same is true for Remote Speaker Grills.  

Cosmetic parts for outdoor equipment is even more difficult. This is  because outdoor equipment tends to become unsightly more quickly than inside equipment.  Since this happens to everyone's outdoor equipment, the demand for outdoor parts is high and the remaining stock vanishes quickly.


The second most common request is for electronic parts and replacement circuit boards.


Electronic Circuit Boards:

Just like cosmetic parts, NuTone does not produce electronic circuit boards after a model is discontinued.  They do maintain a stock of circuit boards for about a 2 year period to cover any in-warranty repairs, but after that, the supply will typically be exhausted.  These circuit boards are not availabe to purchase by anyone, they are strickly for use at NuTone.

NuTone used to have a program where defective boards could be sent to the Factory and they would be exchanged for rebuilt boards.  This program ended in the early 1990's and from that time on NuTone's stock of replacement boards has become depleted.

Some models like the IMA3303 and IMA4406 never had boards available for exchange or purchase.

Unfortunately when I get requests from someone looking to buy a circuit board, the answer usually has to be no.  While I may have a stock of boards, I have to be very conservative in how they are used.

The parts from one intercom Master Station or one circuit board can often be used to repair 5 or 6 different intercoms.  Selling a complete board to replace a repairable board would be wasteful and our stock would be qickly depleated.




Reader Comments (2)

IMA4406 Speaker circuit board ASSY 62901-01 or 62900-2 - 26 AWG cable is defective can I purchase the circuit board with the cable attached or have the cable to the circuit board replaced. If possible what is the cost for both?

September 29, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterDwight

Hi Dwight

I'm not really sure what board you're referring to. It would be easiest if you would contact me directly about this


September 30, 2014 | Registered CommenterCindy & Christopher

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