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Something New to Report. . . 

I often have customers contact me to see if we are still repairing NuTone Intercom Systems  (Yes - Yes we are)

This comes up because there isn't often much new information to post on this Web Site.  

The descriptions and details about the problems with most older NuTone Intercoms don't change that much at this point.  The problems with a model like the NuTone IM3003 are well documented and the work to rebuild the IM3003 hasn't changed that much over the last 5 years. This is true for many models

Some models like the NuTone IM5006 or the IM5000 have had an increase in the amount of work that should be done when rebuilding a Master Station, however the additional work is incremental and not that interesting to most people (other than me)

I am also concerned that this Web Site is already very big - which makes it difficult for visitors to find the information they're looking for. 

Of course there's also our YouTube Channel - which now has over 200+ Videos.  It's that old saying "A picture is worth a thousand words" 

Well, today there is something new and worthy to report - The beginning of a new chapter for the reapir of the NuTone NM Series of Radio Intercoms.  I am calling it our "NM Series Repair Initiative"

Here's a link to my newest post on about the NuTone NM Series of Intercoms (applies to M&S Systems DMC Series as well)

Here's a link to our YouTube Play List about the NuTone NM Series 

Here's a link to our on-line "Repair Request Form" - If you have a NuTone NM100, NM200 or a M&S Systems (Music and Sound) DMC1 or DMC3-4.  You can fill out the Repair Request Form and I'll contact you directly to discuss the problems with your system and its repair - Chris 

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