The Future of Our Web Site - an Update

When I started this Web Site many years ago, it was our primary source for passing along information about NuTone Intercom Systems, the common problems with these systems and how our customers could go about having their NuTone Intercom Systems repaired.
I would add new information and pass along ideas about NuTone Intercom Systems on a regular basis, often 2 or 3 posting each week. One of the problems that can create is this Web Site becomes really big, making information difficult to find.
About 4 years ago something else changed, I started a YouTube Channel and began making Videos about NuTone Intercom Systems. I found that Videos work better for many people, having the visual instructions makes it easier for many customers to use the information I try to pass along. After 4 years, I have made almost 300 Videos.
One of the by-products of making Videos is that adding new information to this Web Site has slowed down quite a lot. As they say - "a picture is worth a thousand words" - and now this Web Site has become an archive of information that supplements the Videos.
So what does the future hold - During the course of the next 6 months, this Web Site will be modernized with a new format that is better suited for use on Mobil Phones and Tablets. None of the information will be changed, just a new format that I hope will make it easier to use in the future.
Along with the modernization, I plan on finding new ways to add content without making the Site difficult to use.
I will keep everyone updated as out plan plays out
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