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« Removing a NuTone Chime Module From a NuTone IM4006 Master Station | Main | NuTone IM4006 & IMA4006 Cassette Players »

How To Remove Your IM4006 Master Station - Video -

The NuTone IM4006 Radio Intercom Master Station is the second most common model we have sent to us for repair.

I have learened that owners find it somewhat daunting to open up their Master Stations and disconnect all of the cables and wires so it can be removed and sent to us.  They equally find it difficult to reinstall after they have received the rebuilt Master back.

After I have spoken with each customer about their repair, I send them a copy of the original Installation Instructions which gives the step-by-step instructions and diagrams to install their IM4006.  This works for many owners, but I thnk a video showing how to remove their IM4006 may be better.

Here is a short video showing the removal of a typically installed NuTone IM4006 Master Station.

I hope this video makes it easier for all of our customers.  If you have comments or feedback about the video, I am interesed in what you have to say.

Use this link to email me you ideas and comments



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