The 10 most common problems with a NuTone IM /IMA3003 Music Intercom System

The IM/IMA3003 Music Intercom System was in production from 1984 through 1994. During this time there were many electronic updates to the fundamental design of the 3003.
The 3003 is a 3-wire, home-run wired system which has room-to-room intercom functions, entry door communication, built-in AM/FM radio and a digital clock.
The models manufactured in 1984-1985 use different amplifier/control and selector control boards than the later versions. With the increased popularity of built-in Chime Modules, a change was made to allow the homeowner to take better advantage of this new option.
To be able to hear the Chime Module throughout an early 3003, it was necessary to leave the power switch in the ON position. If if the power switch was in the OFF position you would not hear the chime tones. A change was made in 1986 which allowed the chime to be heard regardless of the power switch position. There was a Factory Modification to convert early models if needed.
The 3003 does have a true digital clock, however it has an analog (mechanical) tuner. The tuner is connected to the digital display for convenience, but it is not a digital tuner.
There are Room Control Switches behind the door which surround the clock. Behind this door are the Intercom Volume and Tone Controls along with buttons to set the clock.
The 3003 uses 25 ohm speakers throughout the system.
Inside remote speakers are Models:
IS/ISA305: Small inside stations with 5" speaker cones, Ivory, White, Faux Wood Grain
IS/ISA308: Large inside stations with 8" speaker cones, Ivory, White, Faux Wood Grain
Inside wall mounted Remote-Controls:
IC/ICA301: A small wall station with volume and intercom control, no built-in speaker
Inside Remotely mounted Ceiling Speakers:
IS76: A round Ceiling Speaker with a 8" speaker cone, used with IC/ICA301 remote control
IS75: A round ceiling speaker designed to look like a recessed light fixture with a 5" speaker cone.
Inside Volume Controls:
IC901: A wall mounted Volume Control used when creating a Music-Only location.

The #1 problem with 3003 systems has to do with failed power supply components on the Power Supply/Amplifier/Intercom Control circuit board.
When the 3003 was new, if you listened carefully to any speaker, you would hear a light background hiss. This is white noise. White noise is the background noise an amplifier makes when it is turned on.
As the 3003 ages, the hiss becomes a hum, and as time passes the hum becomes louder and then turns into a buzz. These changes in the sound are due to the gradual failure of the components in the Power Supply.
As the 3003 reaches the complete failure state, you will notice that the radio, door chime and intercom functions will not work, although the clock will still show the time. If you turn the radio power on and switch the input selector to FM, you will notice that the numbers on the display will continuously change, as if the display were counting.
If left in this condition, the 3003 can have a dramatic failure which will cause greater damage to the amplifier.
Rebuilding the Power Supply in a 3003 is a fairly simple task for a NuTone Service Center. It consists of replacing 10 capacitors and 4 diodes.
More repair will be required for sets that have been left powered up after they have failed.
After rebuilding the power supply, the 3003 will be restored to its original condition, with only a slight hiss of white noise at each station. This type of repair will extend the life of the of the 3003 for another 10-15 years.
Inside the red box are the power supply capacitors. All of the blue arrows point to the newly installed parts. There are 3 additional capacitors located on the other side of the heat sink.
Here are all of the old capacitors.

The 2nd most common problem with a 3003 has to do with installations that include a chime module.
Chime modules are Models are:
IA28 which is a 1-2-8 note chime module.
IA29 which is a musical chime module.
When a chime module is installed in a 3003, the interconnect cable is plugged into the Switch Control Board. This 4-pin connector supplies power to the chime module and makes the audio output connection from the chime module to the 3003.
Chime modules have a high gain output (high signal level) and that signal is fed into the switch board through a pair of transistors. Some times when a chime module fails, it will feed DC voltage into the switch board input and cause the transistors to fail.
Chime module failures are not uncommon field service requests. Even thought the chime module has failed the service person will find that a new module will not solve the problem. The switch board failure must also be corrected.
Reader Comments (113)
Do you have a parts list for that handful of capacitors you changed on the IM-3003? I have to do the same rebuild to my Nutone IM-3003. Some of those capacitors leaked electrolyte and I now have no amplification on the system, just very low volume. The problem is the capacitors are so old and leaking, that I can't read the numbers on them. Nobody services these units anymore, so I wanted to order that set of capacitors from Radio Shack or somewhere and replace them myself.
I would recommend that you download a free copy of the IM3003 Service Manual from our site and use the information in it to create a list of the parts your unit needs.
The substance you see on the outside of the capacitors is not the electrolyte material from inside the capacitor, it is glue that was applied to help hold the larger capacitors in place during manufacturing.
I will caution you of doing this repair yourself it you are not familiar with working on electronics. Unless care is taken and the right tools are used, the circuit board can become damaged and then useless.
We do repairs on all NuTone Intercom systems, including the IM3003
Best of luck
Looks like my Amplifier is bad, Cant I just replace it with a new one? If so where can I get one
I don't believe you can just replace it with a "new one". Because new ones haven't been made in almost two decades. Even if you could find a "new old stock" board, the capacitors are going to be almost 20 years old. So those capacitors on that "never used" board are likely to also be bad from shelf life. Capacitors are like batteries. Even a new/never used battery sitting on a shelf for years would be dead if you tried to use it 20 years later. Capacitors go bad after 10-15 years of heated use, but also will go bad after 20+ years shelf life even if never used.
I replaced that set of 10 capacitors on mine, and now the volume is VERY LOUD. I have to turn the master system volume to about 1/3 power. Works great now. It is actually so much louder that it startled me when I first turned it on after the repair. When my wife came home and said "is it fixed?" and pressed the button to turned it on FM Radio, she jumped and it scared her it was so loud and worked so good. The best part is I finally have a working doorbell after all these years of people pressing the doorbell and thinking nobody was home, or having to pound and beat down the door with there fist to get me to hear it. I only replaced the 10 capacitors in the picture. I didn't replace any of the diodes.
In order to change the capacitors, you have to be fairly skilled in soldering. But an even more important skill needed for this repair is DE-SOLDERING. You also need to have a special de-soldering tool that both heats an iron, and has a bulb or vacuum that sucks up the molten solder, and do it all in less than two seconds per solder (and there are 20 points to de-solder on the board for those 10 capacitors). Two seconds to de-solder, and two seconds to solder. Otherwise, you fry the board beyond repair. You also have to put the right capacitor in the right place, with the negative on the correct side. Or if you don't put the right capacitors in with the correct negative orientation, you are going to have a board full of 10 miniature firecrackers that will all pop like the 4th of July when powered up.
I have a Nutone IMA 3303 and it comes on by itself and jumps between AM and FM. Anyone experience this problem? The timer is not on and it is turned off at the main switch yet it does it some days and other it works just fine. Thoughts?
The power supply / amplifier / intercom control board for your IM3003 has not been available for purchase for many years. Rebuilding the original board from your own Master Station is always the first best option. Finding a replacement board is usually the last resort when an original board can not be repaired. You can contact me directly in regard to having your IM3003 repaired. Thanks Chris, Onwer
So, sounds like I have the same issue with my Nutone 3003. buzzing system and need for replacement of capasitors. You mention you repair. How much would it costs to replace the parts?
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for me its the tuner drifting off the station and clicking noises as if you were turning on and off the intercom
STEVE: What is the Model number of your system? If it's a IM3003 a drifting tuner could be cause by a power supply issue (which also could explain the clicking noise problem) or it could just be a tuner board problem.
I have a Nutone IMA3303 which was working fine (intercom to all rooms in house, AM FM, door chime). Power was out for half an hour and now only red light is on and backlit display only (no sound and nothing in the display). Is there a reset switch/button or any ideas on repairs?
Rand: The IM3303 does have a reset button. Download a copy of the owners manual. It shows where the reset button is located.
Do you rebuild the IM3003. I have one that has issues.
Yes, we do repair all NuTone Intercom Master Stations. You can fill out a Intercom Repair Request Form and we will contact you directly regarding your system and its problems.
I seem to have the same problem with TWO units one about 20 years old (3003) and a newer one about 15 years old (3003L---I think)...Well they both seem to have
the new capacitor trouble board --problem.
Both have just weak output . I would like to send them both in for repair if reasonable... I only need one working unit though.
Please let me know.
Thanks ,
I have a Nutone 3003 intercom and it experiencing many of the issues (chimes don't work, hum from speakers, etc) is it possible to send it to be refurbished since it doesn't appear that there are local service centers due to the age of the unit.
Hi Greg,
Yes we certainly can repair and rebuild your IM3003. Please fill out a Intercom Repair Request Form and then we will contact you regarding the repair.
I have a Nutone 3003 intercom that has a loud static / buzzing noise coming from it, just wanted to know the solution to the problem and how much it would cost me?
Hi Louis
Please fill out a Intercom Repair Request Form and then I will contact you to discuss the problems and repair of your IM3003
Hi, this is a nice site.
We recently bought a house which came with a Nutone 3003 intercom. On the lower right side, the Nutone has a switch that can ben set to AM, FM, Phono and Tape. Does this mean we have a version on which we can plug in a CD player? Where would the input jacks be?
Thanks for your help.
- Michael
Hi Michael,
Your IM3003 has 2 auxiliary input jacks which are located on the back of the Master Station. You can connect a CD player or iPod/iPad to the Tape jack. The Phono input is designed for a phonograph and it will not sound properly with another type of device connect to it. Remember that the IM3003 is a Mono system and your CD player or iPod are stereo, so you will need a Stereo to Mono cable to make the connection. These are commonly available at your local Radio Shack.
Hi Chris,
But the Master Station is built into a wall. If the Phono/Tape jacks are on the back, how do I access them? Should I look for an outlet in a wall somewhere that leads to those jacks?
Thanks again for your help.
- Michael
Hi Michael,
The jacks on your IM3003 are probably not connected to anything at this time. You should cal me to discuss what type of connection you need and how to hook it up so it will work properly
Have a Nutone radio intercom IM3003 that went from working to totally dead. Would kike to get it rebuild. Where do I get a repair request form?
Hi Leonard,
The Intercom Repair Request Form is in the Navigation Section on the right hand side of the home page