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Why is my Chime Module Volume So Very LOUD?

Whenever we return a customer's repaired NuTone Intercom Master Station, we include simple to follow instructions on how to set up the adjustments for their particular model of Intercom System.

The basic purpose of these Set-Up Instructions is to make sure that the newly repaired Master Station will work as it was originally intended.  The most common error with NuTone Intercom System adjustments is that the volume settings are set much too low, which effects how well the intercom portion of the system operates. Over time this adds extra stress to the amplifier.

One of the by-products of setting up any system correctly is that, suddenly, the volume of the built-in Chime Module is very loud...much louder than it was before the repair.

Volume Settings on NuTone Chime Modules

The two most common models of NuTone Chime Modules are the IA28 and IA29.  These were in production from 1984 through 2008.

These Chime Modules are used in every model of NuTone Radio Intercom System made during that time. 

Chime Module were always an "Optional Extra", which meant that you had to pay extra to have a Chime Module added to your Intercom System when it was being installed.

When the installer put the Chime Module into your Master Station, the volume adjustment was not "Pre-set" from the factory. The installer was responsible for making the volume adjustment during the installation. Often, or at least most of the time, this did not happen.  In many, many installations, the Chime Module Volume is set way too loud for most home owner's needs.

Once the homeowner hears how loud the chime is, they do what would seem natural, and they turn down the volume on every Intercom Station.  While this does lower the chime volume, it also effects the overall operation of the Radio and Intercom features of the system.

Basic Steps for Correcting the Volume of a Loud Chime Module

1.  Turn all of the Volume Controls on all of the Remote Stations to Maximum (fully clockwise)

2.  Turn the Volume on the Master Station to Maximum

3.  Locate the "System Volume" or "Program Volume" on your Master Station

4.  Turn on the Radio (AM or FM) and tune it to a strong station

5.  Adjust the "System Volume" or "Program Volume" to achieve a comfortable Radio Volume throughout the home

Now, ring the door bell by pushing the door bell button on your front porch.  If the Chime is now very loud (louder than you would like it to be) Watch the Video and see how to adjust the Chime Module's Volume Setting.


I used a NuTone IM3303 Master Station in the Video as an example.  The basic steps of making the Volume Adjustment are the same for most NuTone Radio Intercom Systems.

What is different from system to system is where the Chime Module is mounted inside the Master Station.

On our You Tube Channel, you will find Play Lists for many different NuTone Intercom Systems.  Most of these Play Lists include a Video which shows how to completely remove the Master Station.  Part of each of these "Removal Videos"  will show where the Chime Module is mounted inside that particular Model.

Use This Button for our You Tube Channel Play Lists


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