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Now you can Replace the Pushbutton Switches in your NuTone Remote Stations made Between 1984 ~ 2010

Nobody Likes Noisy Pushbutton Swicthes in their NuTone Intercom System

 For the longest time the most needed and necessary Service on NuTone Intercom Systems has been the cleaning of the Pushbuttons Switches in the Remote Stations from Systems made between 1984 and 2010

This has been common enough that we used to categorize these types of in-home Service Calls as being a "Clean & Adjust"

As fine dirt and dust find their way into the Pushbutton Switches - it causes microscopic scratches in the surface of the brass contacts inside the switch - which crates the static sound when the button is pressed.  Also, the presence of the dirt and dust would cause the brass contacts to become oxidized overtime, prevent a good electrical connection.

During the "Clean & Adjust" Service Call, a proper Contact Switch Cleaner (DeOxit D5) would be applied into the Pushbutton Switch.  This would wash away the dirt and dust, and condition the brass contacts - which reduced the noise the switch would make.

In the best of results, the noise from the Pushbutton Switches would be reduced by 80-90%.  This Service would last for a period of time before it would need to be done again.

Now there is another solution - Thanks to one of my Customers.

Watch these 2 Videos to learn how the Pushbutton Switches can be replaced:




It's Almost Summer - Time to get Your NuTone Patio Station in Working Order

Outdoor NuTone Patio Stations have a hard life.

If your NuTone Intercom System has an Outdoor Patio Station and it's more than 8 - 10 years old, there's a good chance that it doesn't work any more.

Exposure to the rain, wide, snow and sun can cause the Speaker Cone to fail - making your Patio Station go silent.  If water gets inside the Patio Station, it can cause short-circuits and corrosion to the Switch Circuit Board.

Even if your NuTone Patio Station stills works and plays music - it may look shabby or discolored from the elements.

Now, I could go on and on about what you can do - but, as they say - a picture is worth 1000 words.  

Here are some of my more recent Videos about NuTone Patio Stations:



We have more Videos about NuTone Intercom Patio Stations on our YouTube Video Playlist

Here's a link:



The Future of Our Web Site - an Update

When I started this Web Site many years ago, it was our primary source for passing along information about NuTone Intercom Systems, the common problems with these systems and how our customers could go about having their NuTone Intercom Systems repaired.

I would add new information and pass along ideas about NuTone Intercom Systems on a regular basis, often 2 or 3 posting each week.  One of the problems that can create is this Web Site becomes really big, making information difficult to find.

About 4 years ago something else changed, I started a YouTube Channel and began making Videos about NuTone Intercom Systems.  I found that Videos work better for many people, having the visual instructions makes it easier for many customers to use the information I try to pass along.  After 4 years, I have made almost 300 Videos.

One of the by-products of making Videos is that adding new information to this Web Site has slowed down quite a lot.  As they say - "a picture is worth a thousand words" - and now this Web Site has become an archive of information that supplements the Videos.

So what does the future hold - During the course of the next 6 months, this Web Site will be modernized with a new format that is better suited for use on Mobil Phones and Tablets.  None of the information will be changed, just a new format that I hope will make it easier to use in the future.

Along with the modernization, I plan on finding new ways to add content without making the Site difficult to use.

I will keep everyone updated as out plan plays out





NuTone has Discontinued Entry Door Station Speaker Cones

We found out 2 months ago that NuTone has discontinued replacement 3-1/2" Entry Door Station Speaker Cones and there are none left in the Parts Department inventory to order.

This was a surprise to us and everyone else, there was no warning that these speaker cones were going to become obsolete.

Due to the high demand for this Speaker Cone, which is used in almost every Model of NuTone Intercom System made since 1974, this creates a problem for the owners of these systems.

In response to this problem, we have decided to work with a Speaker Cone Manufacturer to have exact replacement speakers cones manufactured.

Here's a Video about this situation:

I will be posting updates on this project as it moves forward - Chris



Something New to Report. . . 

I often have customers contact me to see if we are still repairing NuTone Intercom Systems  (Yes - Yes we are)

This comes up because there isn't often much new information to post on this Web Site.  

The descriptions and details about the problems with most older NuTone Intercoms don't change that much at this point.  The problems with a model like the NuTone IM3003 are well documented and the work to rebuild the IM3003 hasn't changed that much over the last 5 years. This is true for many models

Some models like the NuTone IM5006 or the IM5000 have had an increase in the amount of work that should be done when rebuilding a Master Station, however the additional work is incremental and not that interesting to most people (other than me)

I am also concerned that this Web Site is already very big - which makes it difficult for visitors to find the information they're looking for. 

Of course there's also our YouTube Channel - which now has over 200+ Videos.  It's that old saying "A picture is worth a thousand words" 

Well, today there is something new and worthy to report - The beginning of a new chapter for the reapir of the NuTone NM Series of Radio Intercoms.  I am calling it our "NM Series Repair Initiative"

Here's a link to my newest post on about the NuTone NM Series of Intercoms (applies to M&S Systems DMC Series as well)

Here's a link to our YouTube Play List about the NuTone NM Series 

Here's a link to our on-line "Repair Request Form" - If you have a NuTone NM100, NM200 or a M&S Systems (Music and Sound) DMC1 or DMC3-4.  You can fill out the Repair Request Form and I'll contact you directly to discuss the problems with your system and its repair - Chris