The red arrows show the single output power transistor used in the amplifier for the 2542. The basic amplifier design is also used in the Models 2090 2540 2060
The blue arrow points to the FM Tuner assembly. The FM tuners are fairly trouble free except sometimes they will become weak and this affects the FM reception. The first FET in the circuit becomes weak and usually replacing it will correct the problem.
The green arrows points to the main power supply filter capacitor. This is a multi-section can capacitor and it contains the equivalent of 4 capacitors. Since this type of part is no longer available, the correct method of repair is to open up the can, remove its contents and "restuff" the can with 4 modern capacitors.
This "restuffing" method is prefered over mounting 4 capaitors on the board it self, which will usually result in a "hum" in the set.